How To Take Care of Your Diamond Engagement Ring
Do you know how to take care of your diamond engagement ring? Many people don’t realize that maintaining a diamond ring’s beauty and integrity has a lot to do with lifestyle and a little TLC.
Here are some things to keep in mind while wearing your gorgeous diamond engagement ring:
It’s important to regularly clean your diamond engagement ring. My favorite way to clean is to take normal dish soap and add a small drop in a cup. Fill the cup with warm water and let your diamond engagement ring soak for at least 10 minutes. Then, take a soft bristled tooth brush and lightly brush the diamond’s surface, in between prongs, and throughout the intricate spaces of your ring setting. This will help to dislodge any dirt and oil that has impacted over time. Be very careful while you handle your ring as you don’t want it to slip on a hard surface and please please please, don’t clean your ring anywhere near a sink! (see story below)
Inspect your diamond and ring setting to ensure that no stones are missing, chipped, damaged, scratched, etc. You want to make sure that you catch any possible damage early so that it can be repaired. If you warp a shank (the round part of the ring that goes on your finger) from a hard blow or catch it in a door, this can have an adverse affect on the prongs holding your stones. So, it’s very important to pay attention on a monthly basis to ensure you catch any potential damage disasters.
Diamonds can get loose in their settings even with great care. Last year I had to have my prongs tightened on my diamond engagement ring. I was lucky to have caught this early. How did I know my diamond was loose? Well, my diamond was literally swiveling back and forth between it’s prongs. On a microscopic level, the diamond’s girdle is actually slicing through the metal making it structurally weaker and weaker; which isn’t good! Get that diamond ring fixed and tightened ASAP!
My last bit of advice is to use commonsense when wearing your diamond engagement ring. In my world, that means do not wear your ring(s) to the gym , while washing dishes, when swimming, and don’t store your rings in or near the bathroom. The last one may seem a bit odd, but trust me – this also comes from first hand experience…

My reaction after my husband found my engagement ring behind and under our wooden bathroom cabinets.
Funny story…a few months ago I took off my engagement ring to put on lotion in the bathroom and as I tried to catch it mid fall, poof! It was literally gone. I searched my bathroom for 3 hours until my husband came home. We took apart the air duct and removed the sink pipe looking for my ring. I was now in tears. My husband asked for me to explain in detail (play by play) of exactly what happened when I attempted to put my ring back on and the next thing I knew he was drilling out the screws that kept our bathroom cabinets in place! As I leaned against the wall envisioning how a diamond expert will now have to live without her diamond engagement ring, my husband silently reached his arm behind him and handed me my ring. It had somehow bounced off my shoe and flipped under the sink behind the wooden plank that is part of the cabinet. We would have never found it if it weren’t for my husband tearing apart our bathroom. When I asked him how in the hell he knew it would be there he simply answered, “Easy. Physics.”
These tips should help you understand how to take care of your diamond engagement ring. For more interesting facts and diamond jewelry tidbits, be sure to check out Whiteflash’s infographic below:
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