Choosing The Right Cushion Cut Diamond
*Note: ODBA no longer recommends
Hello Liz,
Your website has been tremendously helpful to my fiance and I in our research for choosing a cushion cut diamond as a center stone for her engagement ring. We have decided on a 1.00ct – 1.10ct, G – D color, SI+ clarity, and of course, the best possible cut within our budget. As well, close to a 1.1 proportion for the dimensions.
I have narrowed down my search to 5 diamonds. Unfortunately, James Allen is unable to provide ASET or ideal scope images for these diamonds. So I am having difficulty making comparisons. Could you please provide some guidance as to which of these pieces has the best characteristics? Or if you can provide some ideas for alternatives, I would love to see them.
Below are links to the 5 diamonds that stand out to me.
1.01ct F VS2
1.02ct E VS1
1.01ct G VS1
Thank you. I really appreciate your help.
Hello Oliver,
I’m so pleased to hear that ODBA has been of help to you and your fiance! That’s great that you have decided on a cushion cut diamond – I’m happy to help you finalize your selection.
Here’s my feedback on each of your diamonds:

Square Cushion Cut Diamonds (from left): 1.01ct G VS1, 1.01ct F VS1, 1.01ct F VS2, 1.02ct E VS1, and 1.01ct G VS1
1.01ct G VS1 for $4,620.00:
In terms of cut quality, this cushion is pretty nice. I like the overall scintillation and contrast patterning. As 1.01ct this cushion measures 6.05×5.77mm.
1.01ct F VS1 for $4,620.00:
This cushion shows a bit more dark contrast, especially in the corners. It has the same facet pattern in the pavilion as the previous 1.01ct, and is the same carat weight but measures 5.92×5.60m, which would make this a visually smaller diamond; this due to the depth being so deep.
1.01ct F VS2 for $4,590.00:
This cushion also has heavy dark contrast. Though the ASET images shows a good amount of red, there is very little green and a lot of black/dark blue.
1.02ct E VS1 for $4,720.00:
This cushion has what is often referred to as a ‘crushed ice‘ effect that makes the cushion appear ‘watery’ in terms of light reflection. You’ll notice less overall distinct contrast areas and more grayish/blurry/watered down light reflection which also translates to light leakage and an overall less brilliant diamond.
1.01ct G VS1 for $4,540.00:
This cushion is the same as the first 1.01ct G VS1 from JA! This time we see the ASET image which confirms lots of red (direct light reflection) and minimal light leakage.
So, after reviewing all diamonds, I would definitely recommend the 1.01ct G VS1 from Enchanted Diamonds! It’s a beautiful diamond and we can confirm that the light performance is indeed ideal….and you save an extra $80!
I’ve included my affiliate link in the links above so that ODBA gets counted as your referral. If you click the link before you make your purchase, I would greatly appreciate it! If you need anything else, or have any additional questions – don’t hesitate to ask! I look forward to hearing from you!
Hi Liz,
Thanks so much for your input! We’re in the final stages of selecting a diamond from Enchanted Diamonds. Could you kindly take a look at these shortlisted ones to see which you would recommend, if any, among them?
1.04 ct H-VS1
1.06 ct G-VS1
1.06 ct G-VS2
1.01 ct G-VS1
Would very much appreciate your insight again.
Sure Oliver, no problem.

Cushion Cut Diamonds (from left): 1.04ct H VS1, 1.06ct G VS1, 1.06ct G VS2, and 1.01ct G VS1 all from Enchanted Diamonds
The first 1.04ct H VS1 is gorgeous! I love the direct white light saturation with very minimal light leakage. This cushion also has great contrast.
The second 1.06ct G VS1 is nice but has less direct light reflection and definitely more light leakage. The result is that the white/dark areas do not pop with contrast when the diamond is in movement. When compared to the first diamond above, it is less brilliant and offers less scintillation.
The 1.06ct G VS2 is nice but when compared to the 1.04ct H VS1, it does show much more light leakage in the ASET image. However, I do like this one better than the 1.06ct G VS1 above.
And finally, the 1.01ct G VS1 has direct light reflection (red areas on ASET) spread evenly throughout the crown. This cushion measures 6.05×5.77mm which is a bit more ‘square’ in shape. However, the face up size will be less than the first 1.04ct H VS1 as this diamond measures a nice 6.31×5.78mm.
It is down to the 1.04ct H VS1
vs. the 1.01ct G VS1
Both diamonds show excellent light return and great contrast pattern. I actually prefer the 1.04ct H VS1 a tad more as it will face up bigger and has the traditional cushion shape, however I know you are looking for a more square cushion, so the 1.01ct G VS1 might work best for you. However, you can’t go wrong with either cushion cut diamond.
Let me know what you think and if you have any questions. I also included my affiliate links above. I would appreciate you clicking one of these before you purchase so that ODBA gets credit for your referral.
All the best,
Thanks so much Liz! We love both cushion cut diamonds! We’ll definitely click links before purchase to give you credit – you deserve it!
Thanks again for your great advice.
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