Finding The Best Diamond Store – From London’s Hatton Garden To Whiteflash
Hi Liz,
I am having trouble picking the best diamond store to buy an engagement ring and I am currently running out of time. I am having difficulty since I am currently living in the UK and we are going to Vietnam and that’s where I would like to propose.
I have spoken with Whiteflash in online chat and they said they could deliver in time providing I order in the next couple of days. If you could point out a couple diamonds that you recommend I would really appreciate it and it would help alleviate my stress at the moment.
I am willing to spend up to $2200 USD on a diamond to go with the Platinum “Contemporary” Solitaire Engagement Ring. I’m looking for a 0.6 – 0.74ct diamond (if that isn’t to big for a finger size of J?), Colour F – I, Clarity VS1 – SI1. Once again thank you very much for your help.
Kind Regards,
Hi George,
I’m glad that you were able to find out that WF can deliver in your necessary time frame. I think a .6-.75ct is fine for a “J” ring size.
I recommend this .61ct I VS1 for $2,224.00:

.61ct I VS1 A Cut Above diamond from Whiteflash
This diamond is part of Whiteflash’s ACA diamond collection, all super-ideal cut diamonds that show perfect optical symmetry (hearts and arrows). As a VS1 this diamond is perfectly eye-clean with no visible inclusions to the unaided eye. Overall, a very beautiful diamond that fits within your requirements and budget.
Another option is this .645ct I VS2 for $2,199.00:
This is another nice ACA diamond but slightly larger and one clarity grade lower. The diamond is still cut to perfection, but the VS2 clarity grade offers a few hundred dollars savings. This diamond is perfectly eye-clean so no inclusions will be visible. Another gorgeous diamond.
Either one of these would be perfect for you. Let me know if you have any questions!
Kind Regards,
From Jewelry Shops In Hatton Garden To Online Shops Worldwide – Who/What Represents The Best Diamond Store?
Hi Liz,
Thank you for all your advice your a life saver!
I started my search a couple months ago and have been to several jewelry shops around London including a friends friend jewelry shop and all through Hatton Garden searching for the right ring and diamond and was unable to find something that impressed me within my budget that a clerk wasn’t trying to push me towards.
I have briefly looked at online shops but was dubious at spending that amount of money and was worried of some sites trustworthiness. I was lucky and stumbled across ODBA which I found to be very informative and helpful in changing my way of looking at diamonds since in the shops most sales people were pointing me towards the high colour range (d-f) and high clarity range but were not telling me about the all important cut. I even had one salesperson try to sell me a diamond with a very visible crack 3/4 of the way through it. Trying to figure out who and what represents the best diamond store is not easy.
Thank you for responding to my emails promptly and informatively it helped speed up my decision making and I ended up ordering the .61ct I VS1 carat with the 6 claw ring and can’t wait for it to arrive to surprise my girlfriend on our holiday!
Thanks again for all your help!
Kind Regards,
Hi George,
It is my pleasure. 🙂
Yes, it is a shame that many diamond retailers and jewelers for that matter don’t really know what makes a diamond beautiful. The cut is of primary importance with the diamond color being largely subjective (some people like colorless and some people prefer ‘warmer’ colors), and clarity being important as long as the stone is eye-clean and not subject to any vulnerability issues (a large feather would definitely be an issue…). Unfortunately, there aren’t many retailers that would earn the title of the ‘best diamond store’, but hopefully that will change in time.
I know you will love your diamond and ring setting. Whiteflash does a fantastic job, and contrary to what many believe you are not paying more in customs or taxes in having the ring shipped from overseas because all the diamonds in the UK have these charges rolled into the retail price of the diamond anyway.
I wish you all the best,
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